Thursday, May 3, 2012

He's Wearing.......

  Last week one of my clients bestowed me with the greatest gift:  a fresh dating story. It was not her personal experience but one that her sister had encountered. I graciously listened to all of the details as I combed her silky black hair,  precisely cut it and  watched the hair fall to the ground.

 My client's sister, a prestigious woman who has worked hard and became a doctor was looking for a man that was up to her caliber. Turns out the man that she had met online, a college professor, was looking for the same trait in a life long female companion. He wanted someone who could hold a high-leveled conversation and stand along him proudly and equally at any events for his work that he needed to attend. 

 According to my client, they went out few times and had a wonderful time. It's so nice when two people can find their exact match. The ying to their yang. I have never truly experienced it myself so I am going to compare it to the feeling I have when my socks come out of the dryer and I find the match rather quickly. Very exciting. 

 A few dates in, they were out one evening and  during their conversation he felt comfortable enough to tell her about a medical condition that he currently has. Oh, I have been down that road before except I didn't even have to take the time to go out with the guy because he decided to share with me all about his " leaky cyst " over the phone before we even had met. But this was different, nothing was oozing from his body. He had a condition called Hyperhidrosis. It's a condition where someone will sweat profusely because the body will have a hard time cooling down itself . And yes, I found out the proper terminology from Wikipedia. How am I suppose to know and remember all this? 

 The new details my client's sister received was not alarming until he decided to share another piece of information that he should of clearly left out. To control his sweating issue better known as " hyperhidrosis" he explains to her that   he wears his mother's pantyhose. Now this was a deal breaker for her but I feel like their were much larger things to address here. For instance, why didn't he just buy his own pantyhose? Doesn't nylon increase the sweating ? Why did he chose his mother's hosiery ? Did he wash the pantyhose before he borrowed them from her ?  Did he wax or shave before he put them on? And is he using the proper shade for his skin tone? Many, many questions for him popped into my head but my clients sister didn't stick around to ask. Curiosity would have made me stay around at least another ten minutes to have the survey of them answered. Just for the hell of it, he must have known a little about woman's undergarments,  so I would have also asked him if he knew what really happens the minute after an eighteen hour bra has been worn for too long.  Would it suddenly combust leaving your nips to dust the floor? 

 Needless to say she was out. She felt she could not date a man who wore his mother's pantyhose. She needs a man to wear pants in her world. 

 I would have to agree. Just thinking about a potential boyfriend of mine wearing that constrictive nylon would make my skin itchy. 

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